Titans Battling For Supremacy!

So obviously the conversation around which Titan will win ultimate domination of the world was much discussed this week, as the nimble young upstart faced off with its scaly, ancient foe, scoring a few solid body blows along the way.


I am, of course, talking about Netflix’s deal with Sony to stream their content, including any Marvel properties that Sony has retained their rights to. This includes Venom and Morphius - which, frankly, I don’t care that much about  - but also, of course, Spiderman, including Into The Spiderverse & its sequel.

This news will be quite a thorn in the side for Disney, who have been re-acquiring rights to their Marvel series as fast as possible, and a definite win for Netflix. Much like their giant-monkey-and-lizard counterparts, however, I suspect that Disney will ultimately retain it’s title as King Media Titan (is that what happened in Godzilla vs Kong at the end? The movie was such a mess I honestly couldn’t tell). 

But, given that the media landscape is estimated to be worth $2.2 Trillion in 2021, who knows what Mecha-monster lies in wait to take them both on… or where it may come from.

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Eben, Adam and Ricci


New short comic


Created by Aleasha Acevedo, "Suss" is the first entry of a multi-part short story about a young teenage boy discovering that he's asexual. His best friend - who is openly Bi -jumps at the opportunity to help, but his friend's excitement might just spook him away instead...

Check out Suss / Out HERE


And there's Season 2 of MAGUS out now!

Picking up where we left off, magic has been unleashed, the President is dead, and there's a dragon in the meat department...

Written by Jon Pierce, with sumptuous art by Rebekah Issacs, Magus is a fantastical-adventure exploring a world where magic has suddenly returned.

Check out Magus HERE